Vendor Management

Through the use of ERMView, Soteria Risk can coordinate and manage the responsibilities that each of the many vendors are required to perform to effectively manage your ERM program.  The ERMView drives transparency and accountability to every participant in your Enterprise Risk Management efforts.

Claims Management

Utilizing available external and internal benchmarking information, Soteria Risk will focus our claims management analysis on the client’s detailed loss data in order to find areas to reduce costs through better claims oversight and best practices.  Our detailed analysis also includes reviewing and creating client management reports, premium allocation processes, and aggressively reviewing actuarial studies.

Client Benchmarking

Soteria Risk provides client benchmarking on both peer insurance coverage limits and costs. We allow you to determine how you compare to direct competitors and industry averages.  We can take client benchmarking to the next level by providing strategic and operating intelligence on your peer competitors through publically available financial information.

Contact Soteria Risk about our  COMPREHENSIVE MENU OF risk management and insurance Consulting SERVICES

eRM consulting

Whether it is developing a Risk Management philosophy, determining your Risk Appetite, calculating the organization's Risk Tolerance number, performing Risk Assessments or coaching Risk Owners in managing the risks they are responsible for, Soteria Risk can assist you with virtually any aspect of your Enterprise Risk Management program.

Loss Mitigation

Through an evaluation of current practices and relevant regulatory requirements, we assist clients in determining what loss mitigation efforts will provide the largest ROI.  With the assistance of the members of our Expert Council, we can help clients develop the best pre-loss and post-loss mitigation efforts the majority of key risks facing your organization.

Risk Transfer consulting

Soteria Risk can perform a thorough evaluation of existing coverage to find gaps in coverage, restrictions in coverage or inappropriate insurance for the values at risk.  Should the client want to perform a Request for Proposal, whether for coverage or pricing competition or to evaluate a new broker relationship, Soteria Risk can manage the entire process through a secured site on ERMView.